Laminated Dental Veneer
Ankara Laminated Dental Veneer is a dental treatment method that grinds the tooth to which the treatment will be applied and the coating is applied on it.
Laminated Dental Veneer
Our founder Dr. Dt. Hamiyet Ünsal Aynur 's video about Laminated Dental Veneers can be found below.

Ankara Laminated Dental Veneer
Ankara Laminated tooth coating is a dental treatment method on which the treatment will be applied by rasping the tooth with shrinkage and a coating. This prosthetic treatment applied to healthy teeth is referred to as leaf coating in Latin. Compared to other prosthesis treatments, it is the treatment that protects your natural teeth the most. This treatment, which provides an aesthetic smile, has been used by many artists.
In Which Cases Is Laminated – Lamina Tooth Coating Treatment Applied?
Laminated prosthesis treatment can be applied for many reasons. We have compiled these as a list for you; let’s take a look together:
• It is a treatment method that can be applied in deformities (front tooth distortion, false elongation, deformities due to decay) that may be due to different reasons or a congenital discomfort. In this way, we provide the aesthetic smile that our patients long for.
• It is preferred in the treatment of teeth with any physical trauma. The damage record varies depending on the severity of the physical trauma and the patient’s dental strength. Laminated Tooth Coating Treatment can be applied to provide the patients’ perfect teeth who have broken or lost their good old appearance due to impact.
• You need to have the right tooth length for a beautiful smile. For tooth extension and aesthetic appearance.
• It is also applied to patients who do not get successful results after applying different teeth whitening methods. A natural appearance is created by covering the tooth surface, thus quickly filling the place of failed treatment procedures.
• It is applied in repairing and cleaning the destruction of decayed teeth.
Ankara Diş teli tedavine alternatif olarak da uygulanabilir. Diş tellerinin gerek estetik olmayışı gerekse bakım zorluğu hasebiyle hastalarımıza Ankara Lamine Diş Tedavisi uygulanabilir.
• It is a treatment method that can be applied to the cliches that do not like the position or shape of their teeth aesthetically.
How is Laminated Tooth Coating Treatment Applied?
As with every dental treatment, you will not feel pain, aches and pains in Laminated Tooth Veneer treatment. While filing the patient’s teeth, local anesthesia is applied to the patient, so you can only hear the sounds of the instruments that the procedures are performed on. How many sessions does it end? This question is frequently asked by you, our patients. The session duration also varies according to the number of teeth to be treated and the structure of this patient’s teeth. You can have your health and an aesthetic smile in 3 sessions on average in smooth treatments. At first, the patient is asked why he wants this operation, and information is given about what can be done in the light of expectations. Controls and tests are done. Then, modeling is made for the patient and approval is obtained. In the second session, the filing process starts.
The patient is placed under local anesthesia, and the teeth are minimized. The new size of the teeth where the laminated tooth coating treatment will be applied is taken and then sent to the coating process’s laboratory environment. For the patient’s teeth to be suitable for Ankara Laminated Tooth Veneer treatment, a break is given for a while. During this time, you will likely experience sensitivity problems as the teeth are shaved. This period is approximately one week. The tooth structure of the patient and similar factors may prolong this period. When the final stage is reached, the patient and the doctor look at the new appearance of the teeth and approval is taken; the approved teeth enter the treatment stage. Ankara Laminated Tooth Veneer operation, which takes approximately 2 hours, is the patient’s last step to perfect teeth. The operation time may vary depending on the structure of the teeth and similar factors. After the coating’s bonding process is finished, the patient will have completed the treatment 100%.