Root Tip Surgery - What is Root Tip Resection
Root tip treatment, or root tip resection, is a surgical procedure frequently performed by physicians when root canal treatment is insufficient. Root tip resection can be successfully applied to all teeth in the patient's mouth.
As a result of the root canal treatment, the patient has severe pain or the pain that occurs in the post-treatment period gains continuity, and the patient should apply to the doctor. Root tip resection treatment is applied based on the dental and oral health of the patient examined by the physician. The operation is carried out between 30 and 35 minutes. It is a short and easy surgical operation, but it involves various risks as with any surgical operation.
In Which Cases Is Root Tip Resection Applied?
• If the patient has had root canal treatment before and the treatment results are not positive, root tip surgery, i.e., root tip resection, can be performed. No matter which tooth has root canal treatment, root tip resection can be applied to every tooth.
• Root tip resection treatment can be applied if the patient’s root is broken in the jawbone by physical impact or different factors, and the tooth root is stuck in the bone.
• Root tip resection can be applied to treat cysts in the jawbone to which the tooth roots are attached or in the tooth root itself.
• Root tip resection treatment can be applied if there is a different shape, structural or tissue factor that may prevent root canal treatment.
How is Root Tip Resection Treatment Applied?
For root tip resection treatment, the patient is first examined by the dentist for a wide range of mouth, teeth and bones. Then, a treatment map is created based on the data obtained. Uz dentists create this map. After the dentist determines the diagnosis and treatment, the patient is informed about applying root tip resection treatment. In light of the map, the patient can see what he is facing in general. A fair price is determined, and the root tip treatment officially begins with the patient’s approval.Root tip resection treatment is a surgical operation that is completed within 30 to 35 minutes. The patient is taken under local anesthesia so that they do not feel pain and pain instantly. In this way, the patient only hears the sounds of the procedures. Root tip resection; It is a form of treatment of abscesses in the roots performed on the tooth root with the necessary external intervention. One week after root tip resection, the patient’s stitches are removed. In this way, the patient is completely healed, and the treatment process is almost over. Root tip resection treatment opens a small window over the jawbone where the abscess is located. Thanks to this window, the abscess is thoroughly cleaned, and the treatment process is completed.
What are the Points to Consider After Root Tip Resection Treatment?
• A tampon is placed in the area where the root tip resection treatment is applied after the treatment. This tampon should not be removed for at least 30 minutes. If it is removed, bleeding may occur. If bleeding occurs, you should see your doctor. It can cause many problems, such as blood infection.
• During root tip resection, the patient is placed under local anesthesia. After the treatment, the effect of anesthesia continues; patients should not eat if possible. If they are eating, they should not consume solid food until the effect of anesthesia wears off.
• Hot drinks or foods should not be consumed for one or two hours after treatment.
• As a result of root tip resection treatment, swelling may occur in the area where the treatment is performed. You can prevent this swelling with ice. It will be sufficient to apply every 10 minutes.
• Pressure should be avoided. After the treatment, it is an issue that should be paid attention to, especially before the stitches are removed.
• You should use painkillers and similar drugs prescribed by your physician without interruption.
If you pay attention to these, you will have a smooth treatment process.