Sinus Lifting

Sinus Lifting Procedure

Sinus Lifting Procedure

Before the question of a sinus lift, let's take a look at what is sinus. Sinus is the name given to the anatomical cavity located in the mouth near the molars attached to the upper jaw. These gaps, where the task of the sinuses contribute to the formation of sound and reduce the head weight, are of profound importance for people, as for the treatment. Sagging sinuses are a significant obstacle to implant treatment. Thanks to bone powders, the sinuses are lifted and filled to obtain enough space for implant treatment. Although sinus sagging seems to be a natural process, it is an obstacle to many oral and dental treatments.

Thanks to bone dust, the patient’s sinuses are brought back to the correct position.The sinuses used to get the head weight and sounds correct are also an obstacle to the implant treatment to be applied instead of the teeth. Prostheses approach the sinus wall and impair the patient’s mouth and dental health. At this point, sinus lifting is applied.Sinuses cause serious problems only because they are too close to our teeth. All dental treatments are looking for a place to receive support; implant treatment will be the most significant example. Sinuses increase the cavity’s degree by sagging, and because they are close to the teeth, they prevent access to the bones to be supported in treatment. In such cases, the treatment process using bone powders is called Sinus Lifting.

How is Sinus Lifting Surgery Performed?

Sinus lifting is bringing the membrane wall of the sinus to the desired position. The membrane that surrounds the inside of the sinus. Sinus lifting operation can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia according to the patient’s desire. This surgical procedure, which is taken care of in the ordinary dental chair, occurs as follows. Access to the sinus wall is provided through an approximately 2 mm window opened through the mouth. The sinus membrane is brought to the desired position, and the resulting space is filled with bone dust and grafting. In this way, the bone deficiency where implant treatment will be applied is eliminated, and the patient starts to make smoother sounds. The hole is treated by sewing by your physician.

Can implants be performed at the same time with the Sinus Lifting application?

If the amount of bone available as a result of sinus sagging is enough to fix the implant screw, the implant can be applied at the same time. However, in some cases, bone loss is too high to be suitable for implant placement. In such cases, sinus lift is applied first. It is waited for bone formation (approximately 6 months). Afterwards, implant application is made.

What Should Patients Pay Attention To After Sinus Lifting?

The first rule is to eat, drink or do any similar action for two hours after sinus lifting operation. The second rule is to avoid eating with a wound in the eating and drinking process for 24 hours, which is the area where the treatment occurs. The last thing patients should pay attention to after the sinus lift is nasal cleaning. The mouth will be kept open during nasal cleaning and not applying pressure and sneezing. If you pay attention to these, you can continue your life without any problems.

Is Sinus Lifting Procedure Dangerous?

As long as your dentist is experienced and meticulous, there is no danger. Any operation is dangerous, depending on the quality of the doctor. As dangerous as each treatment method is, it is the same for sinus lifting.

The compositions that can occur are:

• The sinus membrane wall may be torn. A natural thing, while the treatment continues in small tears, the treatment process is canceled in massive tears. The sinus membrane wall can heal on its own.

• As with any surgical procedure, bleeding may occur. It may become infected due to bleeding.

• If the water, tea, and similar liquids you drink after the operation come from your nose, you should immediately contact your doctor. This composition can have serious consequences. The opening in the mouth must be stitched again by a skilled physician.

If you experience a composition other than this, you should be examined by your physician if you feel uncomfortable.